President Reagan’s Son Wants To Free You From The Shackles Of Liberal Email At

I usually don’t like to dip my nose into politics on these pages, but this is pretty hot stuff. If you – or someone you love – wants to play this one for the Gipper they can head over to and sign up for their own unscanned, and ad-free email address. Why support those liberals at Google and Microsoft when you can trade in your godless Hotmail address for a firm handshake and a well-coiffed pompadour?

Writes President Reagan’s other son, Michael on on Fox News:

Google employees ponied up more than $263,000 for Obama’s 2012 campaign and $5,000 for Mitt Romney. In 2008, Google’s political action committee, its employees and their families gave more than $800,000 to the Obama campaign. Following Obama’s victory, several Google executives put up $25,000 apiece for the Obama Inaugural Committee.
Microsoft employees contributed $362,742 to the Obama reelection campaign compared to just $82,000 for Romney.

The service costs $40 a year (a little less than that hotbed of liberal antics, and offers an unscanned, safe mailbox from which you or your parents can forward heartwarming stories about the marine who went to college and fought back against the godless progressive professor who in turn was cowed by the Faith of the Constitutional Fathers. promises anonymity and an email box that is never scanned for advertising purposes.

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose, and what better way to honor a beloved President than with a custom email address at his official domain.

[Thanks, Ben]

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