Rejoice, Twitter Power Users: “Next Generation” Tweetdeck Apps Coming For Android And iOS

The big Twitter redesign at the end of last year seemed to mean that the company was ditching power users to get more mainstream. The website and the mobile apps added “Connect” and “Discover” pages to help new users find interesting people and topics. But the unified new interface buried direct messages and other features that long-time users had grown to rely on.

However, Twitter has not forgotten about its devoted base of hardcore users. You know, the types who like to do things like DM, or make custom lists of other users to track. It’s busy hiring engineers to work on “next generation” mobile apps under the Tweetdeck brand.

Here’s a bit more, from a recent job listing that the @Tweetdeck account has been tweeting about in recent weeks.

The TweetDeck team, working from London, is looking for new team members to work on our cutting edge Android app. We’re building the next generation of a suite of clients that millions of people love and use everyday. You’ll work on our small team, own the projects that you work on, and have a great time shipping products which change the way people communicate.

Tweetdeck, the client app developer that Twitter acquired last year, has been looking a little neglected. After months of inactivity, it got a web version for the Chrome browser in December, alongside the big redesign, and a new desktop version that switched from AIR to HTML5. But the change included feature loss — it dropped support for other social networks, as well as color and font customizations, keyboard shortcuts, URL shortening options and tweaks to minimize API calls.

And, while Twitter pushed new versions of the iOS and Android Tweetdeck apps last September, neither has gotten an update to bring its user interface in-line with the new design.

So, thankfully for the direct-messaging, list-making crowd, Twitter has not left us. While there are no job listings for engineers to work on Tweetdeck for iOS, my understanding is that these positions have been filled.

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