Is The $300 3D Printer Finally Here? Makible Thinks So

MakiBox is a riff on the open source RepRap 3D printer that fits a print head and motor inside a box about the length and width (but not the thickness, silly) of a sheet of paper. The MakiBox kit will start at $350 while an assembled kit will cost $550.

The project is being built by Jon Buford, a well known hardware guy in Hong Kong whose last claim to fame was this teeny tiny Android headphone extender. He runs a hacker space in China and works closely with prototyping houses on the mainland.

He also runs,, a hardware project funding site akin to Kickstarter. The project is fully funded so you’ll be supporting a sure thing and considering this is based on the RepRap you’ll be working with known hardware and software. The question remains, however: do we need 3D printers on our desks? If not now, when?

Project Page

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