45 Privacy Changes Facebook Will Make To Comply With Data Protection Law

In 2012, Facebook will be making 45 privacy-related changes to comply with the recommendations of an audit by Ireland’s Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) released today. Below I’ve compiled a roadmap of all the changes Facebook will implement based on the the 149 pages of DPC recommendations and how the social network says it will address them.

First, read my analysis of the audit’s findings from this morning. It explains why these changes won’t seriously interfere with Facebook’s business model or product development. That’s very good news for Facebook. Still, complying with the audit’s recommendations could prevent the company from building a huge stockpile of historical data for some unknown later use.

The changes mostly deal with how long Facebook retains data, and how people are educated about Facebook’s usage of that data. Some will require engineering work, such as irrevocably deleting user data within 40 days of an account deletion request. Others will simply see Facebook adding additional links or messaging within the product to improve transparency and user understanding.

Facebook avoided having to make some big changes that could have hurt its business, such as needing users to explicitly opt in to ad targeting based on their personal data. It also won’t have to discontinue its facial recognition feature, or requires users to opt into having their content used in Sponsored Stories ads.

Here are the 45 changes Facebook will implement and their due dates:

Privacy and Data Use Policy

Advertising Use of User Data

Access Requests

Retention of Data

Third-Party Apps

Disclosures to Third Parties
Facial Recognition / Tag Suggest
  • Formally document security policies and procedures – Review in July 2012
  • Monitor employees to ensure user password resets aren’t used to gain unauthorized access to user data – End of January 2012
  • Implement a new access provisioning tool to allow for fine-grained, role-specific control of employee access to user data to ensure all access is authorized – Review in July 2012
Deletion of Accounts
  • Continue devoting engineering resources towards improving the system that irrevocably deletes user accounts and data within 40 days of receipt of a deletion request – Review in July 2012
Friend Finder 
  • Review implications of DPC’s recommendation to allow users to prevent themselves from being tagged in photos or other content – In advance of July 2012
Posting On Other Profiles
Facebook Credits 
Compliance Management / Governance

Additionally, the DPC’s audit made statements, indicating its satisfaction with how Facebook handles these potentially controversial issues:

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