Catching Up With IntoNow Before The Republican Debate (Video)

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Social TV these days usually means a companion app on your iPad that lets you Tweet along with your friends and fellow fans while you are watching TV. These apps work best for live events (the one remaining time in the age of the DVR when a large mass of people actually watch an event at the same time). IntoNow, which was bought by Yahoo and launched its iPad app last month, is partnering with ABC News to provide live audience polling during the Republican debate tonight for people who “tag” the debate inside the app.

If you are not familiar with IntoNow, it is like Shazam for TV shows. With one click, it gathers an audio profile from the iPad’s microphone and figures out what show you are watching. Then you can see related Tweets, and chime in. Adam Cahan, the founder of IntoNow who still leads the product at Yahoo, came by our office in New York to give us a demo of the new iPad app. The video is above.

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