Kevin Rose’s Oink Hits The App Store

Oink, the first app from Milk, Kevin Rose’s startup lab is now available in iTunes. Oink is an app that lets you rate things at different places, and uses social reputation to help others figure out who to trust about what topics.

Rose gave a preview of Oink a couple weeks ago at the Web 2.0 Summit. At the time, I wrote:

Oink is a mobile app that lets you rank things in different places. So instead of ranking a restaurant or point of interest, you can rank specific things at those places. Rose showed an example of one of his favorite places, The Samovar Tea Lounge. On Oink, you can rank the different teas at the lounge, and see how they rank against the other teas there and teas you can get nearby. Everything is based on hashtags like #tea, and each type of #tea is ranked by place or within a geographic radius. You can chose to find the best #teas within 1 mile, 5 miles, 25 miles, etc. And they all show up on a map

Okay, I am off to see Kevin Rose to get a demo. Try out the app and let me know what you think. Update: the full app is invite-only, but you can check out most of the features without an invite. Milk will be letting in thousands of people a day.

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