Rovio’s Angry Birds Flies Past Half A Billion Downloads

At the Slush 2011 event held today in Finland, Rovio’s Peter Vesterbacka revealed a huge milestone for the company’s hit game, Angry Birds—500 million downloads over the past two years. Vesterbacka claims that’s the fastest growing game and most downloads of any game ever.

It’s no secret that the game has been growing fast without any marketing dollars being spent. It looks like Angry Birds has added 100 million downloads in the past two weeks alone. At the Web 2.0 conference in mid-October, Rovio’s North American General Manager Andrew Stalbow said the game had seen 400 million downloads across platforms. At the time, he said the game is currently seeing 130 million monthly users, 30 million daily active users, and 300 million minutes of game play each and every day.

The company also recently revealed a new bird for Halloween and is expected to release a movie and cookbooks as well.

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