(Founder Stories) Meetup’s Heiferman To Founders: “Avoid Thinking You Have To Do It All”

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As Chris Dixon’s conversation with Meetup co-founder, Scott Heiferman wraps, Dixon asks Heiferman what advice he has for entrepreneurs?

Heiferman responds by saying that having passion for your project is key and adds “avoid thinking you have to do it all.” For example he mentions launching Meetup with a finance co-founder. He tells Dixon, “it’s been the greatest thing in the world” because each founder focuses on their strengths. He continues, as founders “your job is to make something awesome that people will thank you for and to divide and conquer and build a team that is going do everything needed to make it work.”

Dixon agrees and adds “self awareness of your weaknesses” is critical for success.

Heiferman concludes by stating the key role founders can play in shaping the future. “Reinventing and revitalizing this country and every country is really just going to be about how entrepreneurs and people are building companies that are built to be great companies, not built to sell and sell up to big ugly companies that will screw it up.”

Check out the video for additional insights and make sure to watch episodes I and II of this interview.

Past episodes of Founder Stories which include interviews with Christopher Poole, David Karp and Fred Wilson are here.

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