Fitocracy’s Web App Wants You To Get Up And Go Mobile

The guys at Fitocracy, the social fitness tracker, have been very busy since we’ve seen them last. Though I’m a fan of the service, sometimes using it can be hit or miss. Don’t get me wrong — it’s absolutely great on a computer, but the site never really scaled well for mobile devices. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case, as the company has announced that the first version of their mobile web app has just gone online.

For the uninitiated, Fitocracy combines fitness tracking with social elements and an RPG-esque levelling system that appeals to the inner EXP grinder in me. It’s an eclectic mix, sure, but it’s helped Fitocracy to develop quite the loyal fanbase.

Fitocracy’s mobile web app works by cutting nearly all of the social cruft that the service is known for. Goodbye forums, groups, and status updates — you only have access to your activity tracker. From there, you can look up individual exercises, or select frequently performed activities or routines to add to your list for the day.

Each of your exercises nets you a certain number of points, enough of which allow you to level up. Levelling up on Fitocracy doesn’t actually do anything, other than imbue you with a nice sense of physical accomplishment. The mobile web app also supports Fitocracy’s achievements, so you’ll get a shiny little (digital) badge when you do things like run your first 5K in one outing.

All things considered, it’s functional, if a little spartan. Fitocracy has made it clear on their blog that the mobile web app is still being fine-tuned, so the occasional bug may pop up, but it’s still a welcome addition for the service’s workout junkies who don’t mind holding off on the chit-chat.

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