Dive Headfirst Into The Early Adopter Pool And Pre-Order Your Sony Tablet Now

Sony finally unveiled its upcoming tablets earlier this month and at least two retailers just put the more traditional Tablet S up for pre-order. Both Amazon and Best Buy are allowing awaiting buyers to reserve their spot in line to be one of the first buyers of the latest so-called iPad killer.

The Sony Tablet S and Tablet P bring a bit of Sony flare to the otherwise dead Android tablet party. Both run Honeycomb but along with Sony’s always stable media players and distribution suite. They also both hit with unconventional designs with the S featuring a tapered backplate and dual screens on the P.

Only the slate form factor Tablet S is available for order right now; the clamshell Tablet P should hit next month. Both Amazon and Best Buy are hawking them at its full $499/$599 MSPR. Don’t forget about the accessories either. The leather carrying sleeve gets $100 while the dock costs $40. Ouch.

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