Apiary aims to take the headache out of API creation, documentation [Springboard]

Springboard Startups: Web APIs are critical piece of cloud infrastructure —enabling businesses to monetise their data, provide services to 3rd parties, power mobile applications and migrate enterprise to cloud. The trouble is, building successful cloud APIs is not easy. It’s not just the API. You also need to create documentation and attract developers. That is a major pain in the ass.

So, Apiary.io is a developer friendly API blueprint, a way to describe your API. Clients get testing infrastructure, and the documentation is generated automatically from the blueprint and testing infrastructure. So the documentation is always up to date. Woot.

You can even create APIs as prototypes without having to release them.

The business model is that while development is for free, production of the API is charged for as is the ability to manage the community of third party developers for your API, like issue tracking, documentation with forums, adoption tools, and an API Debugger.

Originally from Prague, founders Jakub Nešetřil and Jan Moravec are looking for Seed funding in the £500,000 mark.

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