OK Go’s Latest Video Lets You Force Band Members To Do Your Evil Bidding

If you’re running Chrome and you like Prince-inflected super-pop with a knob-twister aesthetic, then you’re in luck. The band OK Go teamed up with dance company Pilobolus to create a very unique video for their song “All Is Not Lost.”

The video itself is pretty simple – you’ve got a bunch of people running around in spandex on a clear floor so you can pretty much tell everyone’s religion when they lie down. However, the way the video interacts with chrome – creating dependent windows, kaleidoscopes, and other wild effects – and then placing your own message into the video using a pre-set alphabet of dancing feet – is pretty darn cool.

You can watch/play with the video here. The video was made in conjunction with Google’s Play With Chrome initiative.

Here is my message:

Now I have to get the image of Dan Konopka’s smashed buttocks out of my head.

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