Kleiner Perkins Doubles Down On FindTheBest

Santa Barbara and New York based FindTheBest has nearly doubled in size since February, so it’s no wonder Kleiner Perkins is putting another bet down on the company. They invested $2 million last December. And now they’ve invested $4 million more.

I’ve been a fan of the company since I first heard about it. It’s a very useful comparison engine for large data sets (see ski resorts or nutritional supplements or colleges, for example).

And FindTheBest is starting to use their engine for other things as well. FindTheData compares large data sets for more intangible things, like crime statistics. Nannies.com lets you compare, well, you can probably guess (still in early testing mode). Plants-pedia is for the gardeners out there. And there’s also the more morbid Locate Grave.

The company has 25 employees today, and will be adding 15 more shortly, says founder Kevin O’Connor.

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