U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (@VP) Joins Twitter

Following President Barack Obama’s announcement that he will actually start Tweeting from @BarackObama, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has also joined Twitter, under the account @VP.

This seems to be the Vice President’s first official active Twitter account. The White House Blog reports that Biden’s staff will be providing updates on the latest news and announcements coming out of the Office of the Vice President, “as well as a behind the scenes look at Veep-life.”

In the first Tweet from VP Biden’s account, his staff wrote “VP & Dr. B hope you take time to think about our troops & military families this Independence Day, Happy 4th from OVP! @JoiningForces.”

The White House and the 2012 Obama campaign is on a Twitter rampage. As we reported a few weeks ago, as the 2012 campaign heats up, Twitter has become a centralized platform for communications between candidates and the general public. President’s 2012 campaign took over managing Obama’s Twitter (@barackobama) and Facebook accounts (which were previously managed by the DNC). And Obama himself will begin posting updates on both Facebook and Twitter.

And last week, the White House announced its first ever town hall on Twitter, which will take place this Wednesday. Citizens will be able to participate by Tweeting questions with the hashtag #AskObama, and can follow @Townhall for updates. Via a Twitter-hosted site, you can also watch President Obama respond live via webcast, with Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey moderating the meeting.

It’s unclear if VP Biden will be participating in this forum but it definitely makes sense for the VP to have his own formal Twitter account ahead of the campaign.

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