Remember Qwitter? They Were Just Acquired By TwitterCounter For $11,111

Remember Qwitter, the service that sends you an email whenever someone unfollows you on Twitter?

Well, the app was just purchased in a public auction by Amsterdam-based TwitterCounter for $11,111.

It’s obviously a very low amount, but it’s not just a random, silly purchase: Qwitter has over 180,000 active users and still signs up about 2,000 new users every week.

The acquisition of Qwitter, from a company called Velocis Enterprises, also includes an app called, a freemium service for Twitter users to archive and scour their tweets well beyond what Twitter itself offers.

For TwitterCounter, it’s the second micro-acquisition in a row, after picking up Twitter stats site Twitaholic earlier this year.

Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, cofounder of TwitterCounter, says Qwitter will remain a separate brand, but will look for ways to integrate both services.

TwitterCounter currently tracks detailed statistics for 14 million users. The startup is profitable – it makes money from selling featured spots and premium memberships to clients like Microsoft, Durex, eBay, Coca-Cola and Facebook.

Update: Why Twitter Counter bought Qwitter

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