TechCrunch Europe and The Telegraph release the Startup100

TechCrunch Europe occasionally partners with other media outlets in Europe in order to support the European ecosystem. Last December we agreed to link up with the London Telegraph newspaper, which planned to put some time and resources into a ranking of promising technology companies in Europe. The Telegraph Tech Start-Up 100 lists 100 top European tech companies. This year, TechCrunch Europe chaired the Telegraph’s judging panel, put together by Milo Yiannopoulos, Technology columnist, which included many familiar faces from the European emerging technology industry. The list includes trailblazers like Wonga, SoundCloud and Songkick, as well as start-ups who are aggressively expanding into the US market like Huddle and Skimlinks. I think the way to think about this list is that it’s a wrap-up of some still early companies, while including a number of tech companies who are really motoring now after their initial startup phase. It’s a great list, you should check it out.

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