Sony Says The NGP/PSP2 Won't Be Delayed (But Rather Arrive This Year)

Yesterday, Bloomberg reported that Sony is considering pushing back the release of the NGP, aka the PSP2 (we followed up right after the report was published). As a reason for the possible delay, Jack Tretton (president of Sony Computer Entertainment of America) was quoted as saying his company is seeing production problems.

But today The Nikkei, “Japan’s Wall Street Journal”, is reporting that this statement isn’t true. The paper asked Satoshi Fukuoka, spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment proper, who said the quake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 won’t push out the launch of their new game machine to 2012.

According to Fukuoka, Sony will rather stick to their original plan to begin releasing the device in different markets “in steps” later this year (and not focus on just one region for the launch).

Seeing how successful the 3DS has been so far, Sony should bring the PSP2 to market as soon as they can.

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