Can GoSquared Put The Heat On Chartbeat In Real-time Site Analytics?

Last year realtime analytics startup Chartbeat raised an impressive $3 million Series A financing with a glittering array of backers including Betaworks and Ron Conway. Realtime analytics of sites, especially publisher sites like TechCrunch where we use Chartbeat, is a hot space right now, since anything slower is just no longer viable. Having a realtime dashboard that shows you what stories, pages, or items are hot and where traffic is coming from, or how fast your pages are loading is crucial to just about any site today.

Chartbeat launched in launch in April, 2009, got 2,500 paying corporate customers, largely on 5 employees.

However a new upstart of just three young guys is poised to produce, I would say, at least as good a product on a fraction of the backing and resources. GoSquared provides real-time website analytics that lets you to see who’s on your website right now.

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