Facebook Users Uploaded A Record 750 Million Photos Over New Year's

It doesn’t come as a huge surprise, but it’s still staggering to think about: over the New Year’s weekend, Facebook saw 750 million photo uploads from its users. That’s a lot of celebrating, and it sets a new Facebook record.

The stat was just tweeted by Facebook marketing director Randi Zuckerberg (who is also founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister). We’ve reached out to Facebook to ask what the last record was, but I’m guessing it was set over Halloween, which has historically been the biggest day for Facebook Photos.

To give some context to that number, in July Facebook said that more than 100 million photos get uploaded every day (that average is higher now, obviously). Here’s another stat: Flickr had its 5 billionth photo uploaded in September 2010 — Facebook would get that in a week or two if photos were uploaded at the rate they were last weekend. That’s a little apples-to-oranges (though Facebook does now offer support for high quality image uploads), but it gives a sense of the scale of Facebook Photos.

Image by Brian Solis

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