T-mobile myTouch 3G Froyo update now rollin' out

If you’re rockin’ an old skool myTouch 3G — you know, from the days before 3.5mm headphone jacks — then your week just got a little better: T-mobile are now rollin’ out an update to Froyo, just for you.

Froyo was pretty much the best thing to happen to my HTC Hero (that, and the replacement of HTC Sense with Launcher Pro), and as the myTouch 3G is pretty much an HTC Hero in disguise, I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.

But what if you own a myTouch with a 3.5mm jack, like the Fender version or the Slide? Well, T-mobile are “working to provide Froyo at a later date” for these devices, so sit tight.

As usual, the update is a staggered rollout, so you can expect it any time from now up until Oct 31. I would also recommend performing the update within range of WiFi, rather than over 3G.

If you want to know what to expect when receiving the update, or want to see what changes the update will bring, you can check the official T-mobile support thread here.

[via Engadget]

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