Stieg Larsson is the first author to reach one million books sold on the Amazon Kindle store

The only Larsson I’ve ever heard of is Henrik Larsson, so clearly I’m out of the loop with regards to this Stieg Larsson fellow. The Swedish author has become the first author to sell one million copies of his book(s) on the Amazon Kindle store. Amazon now calls him the first member of the imaginatively named Kindle Million Club.

It’s a big achievement, to be sure, getting one million people to read anything in 2010, let alone one million books by the same author.

His books, the Millennium Trilogy, have been New York Times bestsellers over the years. They’re crime novels. I realize that’s not a very good job of “selling” them, but clearly Larsson doesn’t need my help selling them.

Yes, I know the man has passed. Perhaps I could have done a better job making clear?

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