Madpixel launches its advertiser-friendly interactive video solution

Madpixel, a creative technology incubator based out of Spain, has officially launched their interactive online video solution that should get publishers, producers and advertisers to pay attention. It seemingly takes several steps forward in interactive video both for the end user as well as for the content provider, while also providing a lot of potentially useful data for advertisers.

When a viewer runs their cursor across an item, be it a person or an object, the video pauses with a hotspot hovering above the item. Pausing the video at the stroke of the user’s mouse is intuitive but it also means Madpixel is paying attention to user intentions, data that can then be analyzed. Another important point is that hotspots show information within the video player, rather than outside of it. Essentially, as a content provider, you’re involving the viewer further, rather than losing them.

Information hotspots can include, Twitter, Facebook, add-to-favorites, Google Maps and a shopping cart. Likewise, interactive videos can integrate Google Adwords and can run either on their own video player, Brightcove’s player – thanks to a formal partnership – or with a client’s bespoke player.

It’s already available on the iPad, naturally, as well as Android.  In the works is integration with other mass market video players as well as availability on the iPhone and Google TV. To top it off, not only does the platform allow for extensive analytics, but they can also tie the system into the client’s CRM or database. It’s a gold-mine for interactive advertising, with unlimited opportunities and facets to explore.

Though Madpixel is based out of Madrid, given their product, their intentions and market are definitely international, competing with the likes of Hyperspots, Veeple, Brainient. As a sample of what they’re brewing, Madpixel, together with The Prince of Asturias Foundation, has released an interactive video of the awards ceremony.