Meet the Ozone Trace, a mouse pad from the sky

Attention to detail is a quality that most people can live without. Even most companies lack it. However, there are some times when you see a new product that just takes detail to the next level.

If you can appreciate such craft, then check out this mouse pad from Ozone called the Trace. They have found a way to take something simple, such as a mouse pad, and create a model that tops its class. It’s designed with gamers in mind or whoever is serious enough to use a mouse pad this extreme. This pad has four layers to provide the plushest feel:

Starting from a rubber base, they add a plastic shell – for weight and structure followed by an “air-filled matrix structure made of polyurethane,” (i.e. foam rubber) topped by a heat-treated micro textured cloth, which “offers the smoothest feel and the softest flow.” Wow. Now that’s a kick-ass mouse pad — you know, if you like this kind of thing.

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