AT&T iPhone tethering to cost $20 a month extra, requires you to ditch your unlimited data plan

Gather round, everyone! It’s time for this week’s edition of “Good news, bad news” — only this week, “bad news” is being supplanted by “terrible news”.

The good news: As we touched upon earlier, AT&T has finally confirmed that iPhone tethering will launch this summer.

The bad terrible news: You’d have to be pretty crazy to bother with it.

Here’s how the new set up works:

As AT&T points out: before (AT&T-supported) tethering is factored in, less than 2% of people actually manage to go over 2 gigs — and, in some sense, those that do are the ones bogging down the network the most. Squeeze them out (or at least mellow their downloading habits), and the network speeds up for everyone else.

And back to the downside: Good luck staying under 2 gigabytes a month if the rumors like 3G video calling and iTunes streaming pan out.

Your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

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