Verizon LG Ally delayed until May 27th?

If you trekked down to the local Verizon store for an early morning camp-out in order to pick up an LG Ally yesterday, you might have left a bit upset — and empty handed. While Verizon initially said that they’d have’m in stock by the 20th, they were a no show.

If this note purportedly being sent out to pre-orderers rings true, would-be Ally owners might have right around another week (or more) of waiting.

According to the note, first posted by the folks over at the oh-so-focused LG Ally Forums , the phones initial availability has been pushed back until “on or after May 27th”, with pre-orders now running until the day before.

I blame Iron Man. Damn you, Tony Stark! Damn you!

Dear Valued Customer,

This notification is to inform you that Verizon Wireless has received your pre-order of the LG Ally. We have extended the pre-order period for the LG Ally until May 26th.

Since you have pre-ordered, you will be the first to receive the phone upon initial availability on or after May 27th.

We appreciate your business, and we will send you another confirmation email as soon as your LG Ally ships.


Verizon Wireless

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