iPad helps couple get engaged

We just got a cute story from a reader named Zach. Apparently he found a new way to propose to your best girl, using Apple’s new wunder-device. I’ll let him tell his own story after the jump.

This weekend I brought my girlfriend to a local ice cream shop where we had our first date. I also brought along my iPad, since I wanted to “field test” it, as I told her. We sat outside on the same bench we had 2 1/2 years ago, and I asked her to put on earphones. I then handed her the iPad and played a slideshow with music and photos of the two of us together, with a message at the end: “will you marry me?” I got down on one knee and proposed, and fortunately she said yes. Maybe Steve Jobs was right–the iPad is magical!

So good luck to you Zach, and your unnamed fiance, from all of us at CrunchGear.

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