RED releases modular storage unit with many interfaces

If you’re shooting in 4K (or higher), you chew through a lot of storage. The cheapest way to store stuff is on naked drives bought in bulk, but you can’t always trust the $30 eSATA stations you can get on Brando or whatever. RED is putting out their own version, which of course is all black, evil-looking ridged metal. It’s also got a unique modular setup and a ton of interfaces.

The base station provides the power for the units on top, via those SATA power cables. The stackable units will support either CF cards or bare 2.5″ hard drives. No support for 3.5″, unfortunately, owing to the fact that these things need to support SSDs, which come in 2.5″ form factors only at the moment. Why is that? Anyway. There are also a ton of interfaces: eSATA, dual FireWire 800, and USB (2.0, I assume). Take your pick.

Looks sweet, but like all RED gear, you’ll be paying quite a bit. Each base station and every drive unit costs $250 — not a fortune, but a significant amount. They’re also shipping mighty soon: April 14th if all goes well. Discussion at Red User.