Samsung already working on a Galaxy S Pro, complete with physical keyboard?

Sometime yesterday afternoon, some new information started floating around the Kingdom of Ol’ Rumorton. “The Samsung Galaxy S… another version is coming,” whispered the trees of Rumorton, “and it’s called the Galaxy S Pro! And it has a physical keyboard!”

The rumors were in a bit too shaky of a state yesterday for us to cover them; we didn’t know much about the site that claimed it, they admitted that it was hearsay, and (outside of the fan-made render above) there weren’t any pictures. Plus, who the hell listens to trees? We decided to skip it.

Well, the rumor just got a whole lot more credible.

Mobile maven Eldar Murtazin just tweeted out details of the project, claiming that it’s the exact same model save for the QWERTY keyboard, will cost about 50 euros (~70 dollars) more, and launch sometime in June. Given that Eldar’s got a rumor accuracy rate rivaling the hit rate of a brick wall in a squash court, we’re believers now.

So lets think about this: The Galaxy S is an absolute beast. It has a gorgeous, absurdly bright Super AMOLED screen, and a 1GHz processor that Samsung claims blows everyone else (read: Snapdragon) away. It’s Android-powered. And now we’re talking about adding a physical keyboard to it? Hello, dream phone.

[Render via]

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