WhiteyBoard: An instant whiteboard for your instant office

While I’m not sure what I think about the name, I do like WhiteyBoard’s game. WhiteyBoard is an “instant” whiteboard made of plastic that weighs less than two pounds and slaps right up on your wall without screws. Instead of those standard, crazily heavy and expensive whiteboards you’re used to, you simply buy a 18-inch, 3-foot, or 6-foot WhiteyBoard, slap it up, and start brainstorming.

The creator, Jason Wilk, went to Staples one day and found a 6×4 foot board for $300. Convinced there was a better solution, he basically made a sheet of plastic that you can draw on with dry erase markers. You can cut it to any size, it’s “child safe” because it won’t fall off the wall, and they ship anywhere in the US. The Lexis (2×3 feet) costs $15, the 4×6 foot Bertha costs $25, and the 12×18 inch Sonia costs $10.

Shipping is free.

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