Best Buy becomes equalizer for DROID and DEVOUR, selling both for $99.99

As if gadget choices weren’t complicated enough, Best Buy might be making your Verizon Android handset decisions a lot more difficult. According to Best Buy’s Facebook page, the DROID is dropping down to just $99.99 with the DEVOUR going for the same exact rate when it’s released on February 25. So many choices, so little time! Need some help?

If you’re eligible for an upgrade or you’re looking to pick up one of these devices whilst hopping onto the Verizon bandwagon, check out this video of CrunchGear’s initial impressions of the device. Still not convinced? Stay tuned for a full hands-on review of the DEVOUR and maybe your mind will be made up then. Oh, and if $99.99 seems pricey for these hot handsets, you’ll be glad to know that the Droid Eris can be had for free with a new two-year activation.

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