Steve Wozniak Talks iPad (Video)

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak paid a visit to California State University of Chico yesterday after the official unveiling of the iPad, and while there he was asked by the audience how he sees the device affecting the entertainment industry.

Videomaker caught his response on video, posted it to YouTube and voilà, one of the first official opinion of the Woz finds it way to us and more broadly, the Internet.

Wozniak foresees – but admits that it’s just a ‘total’ guess at this point – that in the future you’ll be able to subscribe to magazines and newspapers on the iPad via iTunes. In his view, such an endeavor would leverage the iPad to become much more than a hardware play.

In addition, he says he doesn’t see the iPad as fit for movie editing or music production or anything like that.

Nothing earth shattering, but always nice to get übergeek Wozniak’s opinion on Apple stuff.

if you happened to be there, we’d love to know what else was asked (and what Wozniak responded, evidently).

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