Whiskey Media Raises $2.5 Million To Launch More Structured Content Sites

Cnet founder Shelby Bonnie and other angels have put another $2.5 million into Whiskey Media, which operates niche media sites such as ComicVine (comics), GiantBomb (gaming), and AnimeVice (anime). The company, which has been around since 2007, previously raised about $1.5 million in angel money as well.

Whiskey Media’s sites are wiki-like content sites in the vein of CrunchBase or GDGT, which built around structured databases which can be edited by the readers. (In fact, CrunchBase was inspired by Whiskey Media’s first site, now-retired PoliticalBase).

Mike Tatum, a partner at Whiskey Media, tells me via email:

This last year was an important year for Whiskey Media as we saw strong growth in our portfolio of sites reaching over 3mm uniques users by the end of the year. At the same time we were able to make the necessary investments in our publishing platform that will allow us to launch many more sites in 2010.

The company will use the money to launch more structured content sites on the same technology platform across different niche media, which is a popular strategy these days. Bonnie, for his part, is always thinking of new media models and thinks it’s time to kill the CPM.

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