US Cyworld Will No Longer Be Able To Service

Ah, Engrish. There’s a whole world of funny translations out there to laugh at.

Cyworld, the massive Korean based virtual world, is shutting down its U.S. site, which draws all of 112,000 monthly visitors according to Comscore. And while the shutdown is sort of sad, the message they sent to users more than makes up for it. The translation is bad. Not Matrix DVD cover in Korean bad, but bad.

Yes, I know Americans and others butcher other languages in reverse all the time. But that doesn’t mean I can’t laugh a little at this, too.

CyWorld first launched in the U.S. in 2006, and we estimate that they are the twelfth most valuable social network in the world overall. Email is below. Thanks for the tip, David.

Subject: Cyworld shuts down US cyworld service

Thank you to all members with Cyworld.

Due to Cyworld shuts down US service, US Cyworld will no longer be able to service.
We sincerely apologize for shutting down the service with unavoidable reason.
Before US cyworld close the service, you will continue to access to US cyworld contents but not
purchase items. Also, you will not use your acorns.
If you have unused acorns, you will be given a full refund for paid acorns only.

Refunds and data backup service is in progress, using the acorn will no longer be able to purchase for miniroom items, skins, etc.

@ Schedule for closing US Cyworld service
Due to Data Back-up and closing service issues, the service will be unavailable.

* Shop service will be unavailable since Nov 03, 2009
o Club service, Profile photo/data upload serivce will be unavailable since Nov 23, 2009

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