It’s a desk! It’s a tricycle! It’s $500!

I’m a simple man. I don’t ask for much, I try to do the right thing. So why must everything I want be priced at $500? Take this mobile desk, for example: part tricycle, part desk, all awesome (except the price tag, of course).

Andrew Liszewski of OhGizmo! says that he wants this thing for his next trade show. I know exactly how he feels. I’d trade a little bike seat chaffing for swollen, blister-ridden feet at CES this January. And there’d be the added bonus of impromptu desk races every time the two of us bumped into each other on the show floor.

There’s a two-person version available for $1000 as well, which offers a savings of zero dollars over the single version yet takes up more space. And if you have a big person and a small person trying to maneuver it around, it’d probably just keep spinning in circles due to the variation in available leg thrusting power.

Mobile Desk [ via OhGizmo!]

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