Breaking: A six-year-old is trapped in a homemade helium balloon over Denver [UPDATE]

Father-son projects are quite the American tradition. Everything from pine-box derby racers, to bike repairs, to experimental aircraft it seems. Wait what?

The Denver Channel reports that 12:35 pm MDT today, authorities were tracking a 6-year-old boy at about 8,000 feet over Fort Collins, Colorado. Apparently the boy and his father had been building a “flying saucer covered in foil and filled with helium” for quite a while now.

UPDATE: The boy’s family was actually on Wife Swap. YouTube video added after the jump.

We’re all hoping the little guy gets down safe.

UPDATE: There is no child in the balloon. At about 4:00 PM MDT, the county sheriff announced the boy was found hiding in the attic of his home. The cover-up official story is the boy was unable to be found after the ballon lifted off, leading everyone to assume he was on board. The black mass in the photo is believed to have been a box of batteries.

“We anticipate criminal charges will be filed sometime in the near future,” Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden told CNN.


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