The Countdown to TechCrunch50 is on!

Our 50 companies are locked and loaded. We’ve got magic lined up, a power panel of experts and a big exhibitor hall DemoPit that will be filled with lots of start-up energy and chaos.

TechCrunch50 celebrates entrepreneurship, and we want as many start-ups involved as possible. There is still time to participate in TechCrunch50 with prices that can’t be beat:

$2,995 DemoPit Tables include 2 tickets to TechCrunch50 and one day to demo (that’s cheaper than 2 tickets to the conference)

BUY HERE, based on availability.

$8,000 Exhibitor Tables include 4 tickets to TechCrunch50 and two days to demo (as cheap as 4 early-bird tickets to the conference)

BUY HERE, based on availability.

Hope to see you in just a few short weeks. Reminder, early bird ticket prices expire Monday, 8/31 at midnight pst. Buy now, last call.

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