Plista gets more funding and launches its B2B operations

High-Tech Gründerfonds and DuMont Venture has joined existing investors Draper Investment Company and the Business Angel Peter Schüpbach in a new round of financing for Plista. The deal is rumored to be in the low seven figures.

Today Plista also rolled out OnSite Recommendations, its B2B operations providing businesses with the ability to target their content, products and advertisement more efficiently. The major market will be represented by site operators in the fields of content and e-commerce.

The Berlin-based startup, which was founded just last year and employs 23 people, has scored some large publisher distribution deals such as the Kölner Stadt Anzeiger of DuMont publishing house and, a download portal.

The company plans on developing new features for its network of partners, the first one being a marketplace dedicated to trade content and traffic.

Co-founder and CIO Andreas Richter says the focus next is is the expansion of the self-service portal, which – similar to Google AdSense® – allows publishers to generate and individually customize recommendations widgets to be integrated into their websites.

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