RateItAll Now Lets You Submit Reviews About Anything By E-mail

RateItAll, the consumer rating and review network we likened to a “distributed Yelp for everything” when they scored about $1.4 million in early stage funding a little over a year ago, has added a useful feature to its web service that allows its users to instantly post reviews on any topic to the RateItAll database via e-mail. When announcing the new feature, the startup’s CEO Lawrence Coburn told us to think of it as a ‘Posterous for reviews’, which is as good a comparison one could make.

Here’s how simple it is: without the need to sign up for the service on beforehand, you can send an e-mail to reviews@rateitall.com, putting whatever you’re posting a review of in the subject line and the star rating as the first line of the e-mail body. Then simply write your review under that first line, attach images if you’d like to include some and send away. It will be posted on the RateItAll website (example), automagically be assigned to the correct topic (which will also get its unique e-mail address) and you can always edit it afterwards if need be.

If you’re interested in learning more about the company, check out our earlier review of RateItAll from the beginning of this year, when the startup revamped its website, released an API and showed us that it was getting traction, in part thanks to its policy of sharing advertising revenue with its reviewers.

This appears to still be the case, judging from this Compete graph (Coburn says it actually understates RateItAll’s traffic and growth rate, which we believe to be true).

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