MySpace Tom Or CraigsList Craig: Who's Tougher?,t=1,mt=video

Anyone see Funny People this weekend? One of the best movies I’ve seen this year, despite the 10 minute MySpace commercial in the middle of it.

The two main characters, Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, visit MySpace for a $300,000 paid comedy gig. Among a variety of “f**ck Facebook, In the Face” jokes (said two or three times. really) was some really good material, including Rogen asking “I wonder if Tom and Craig from Craigslist would ever get in a fight….Who’s tougher? Tom has more friends…Craig has weirder friends though. Craig has friends that are willing to do a lot more for cash, I’ll say that.”

Sandler also says “They say the more friends you have on MySpace the less friends you have in real life.”

MySpace cofounder Tom Anderson was also on set and part of the movie, and has now officially been mixed up with another Tom Anderson on IMDB. Overall it was an amazing commercial for MySpace. The company says they did not pay for the placement.

It really was an excellent movie, and it was no. 1 in the U.S. over the weekend with $23.4 million gross. At 140 minutes long, though, you need to be prepared for a long one.

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