Dyson announces the DC28 Animal, we go hands on

I honestly have no idea what it is about this Dyson vacuum, but it’s totally giving me a bonerd. I guess it’s the fact that I’ve seen how much work goes into actually designing and making one of these technologically advanced dirt sucking machines.

Today, Dyson announced the upright DC28 Animal with patented Airmuscle technology. The DC28 is a step-up model from the DC17 with a brand new cleaner head. Airmuscle consists of three new technologies: a high-torque clutch, powered cam and pneumatic actuator.

• Powered cam – raises and lowers the brush bar for different floor types, rather than the entire cleaner head like other vacuums which can create gaps for suction to leak.

• Pneumatic actuator – pulls the cleaner head into the floor, creating just the right amount of seal. Some other vacuums rely on heavy, cumbersome cleaner heads, adding weight with little effect.

• High-torque clutch – delivers more power to the brush bar – dislodging dirt even from deep pile carpets.

This essentially equates to a machine that will clean the bejeebus out of your hardwood floor and/or carpeted home. Also new are the fingertip controls that switch between varying floor types so the brush bar knows where to suck. And don’t forget, Dyson’s never lose suction.

The DC28 Animal will be available next month for $599, but you can pre-order now at Dyson.com.

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