RC helicopter looks like Airwolf!!

Good news, children of the 80s! You can fulfill your life-long dream to be Stringfellow Hawke by flying this miniature remote controlled replica of the Airwolf helicopter! This little guy can fly up, down, backwards, forwards, left and right! You can use your powers of imagination to make believe that it’s actually flying at supersonic speeds.

Bad news: “Charges in 20 to 30 minutes and runs for 6 to 9 minutes.” Seriously? Nine minutes? That’s hardly satisfying. Also, it’s not currently available in the States; but it is available in the United Kingdom for the low-low-low price of £39.95!

I always saw myself as more of a Dominic Santini kind of supporting role, so I’ll hold out for Earnest Borgnine action figures.

Via Geek Alerts

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