Meet pyuuun, your new palm-sized sidekick robot

Tokyo-based Robo-Engine started selling a mini robot [JP] that’s supposed to become your sidekick and keep a record of your daily life. The so-called pyuuun is marketed in Japan as a “life log robot”. Contact either the Japan Trend Shop, Gizmine or Rinkya if you want to get it, too. It costs a whopping $3,100 though.

pyuuun is equipped with two stepping motors, a 12V battery (battery life: 6 hours) and wireless LAN. It also comes with eight sensors: brightness, pyroelectricity, crash, sound, range, temperature, acceleration and infrared. pyuuun runs on Windows 2000/XP.

On their website, Robo Engine gives two examples for the life log function. pyuuun is able to send an email to its owner when it detects the presence of a human being (“anti-crime function”) and it also produces a sound when the temperature in a room rises (“in-door thermal management”).

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