InThrMa takes your (Proliphix) thermostat to the "next level"

Is there anything worse (ok, maybe our current economy) than having to get out of your glorious warm bed to turn up the thermostat? Clearly, the answer is a resounding NO.

Well, if you have a Proliphix (who?) thermostat, hate installing software, and have a connected web browser then you are in luck my lazy friends!

InThrMa (Intelligent Thermal Management) is a web-based (aka nothing to install) application for programming and keeping tabs on your Proliphix HVAC system.  Why should MC readers care about such an app ? Because it works on your iPhone, duh.

But don’t take my word, let InThrMa’s website do the convincing:

Super charge your Proliphix experience with:

* Data Logging
* Dynamic Color Graphing
* View & Manage all Tstats from a Dashboard
* Custom Programming
* Extensive Alerting
* Monthly Reports & Summaries
* Mobile Access & Control
* iPhone Specific Version

But seriously, remote access to thermostat controls could definitely be a big hit among iDevice users. As more and more homes become “smart homes” utility apps like this will become that much more useful and desirable.

Now, if someone would kindly turn the lights back off…

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