Hitachi to roll out three new and very pricey high-end projectors

Hitachi in Nippon today announced a new series of high-end projectors [JP], which will be available over here on February 23 (the company hasn’t said yet if the rest of the world will get the devices as well).

And quality doesn’t come cheap. The first model, the CP-SX10000J, will cost a cool $18,000 and is actually the most inexpensive of the three new projectors. It produces 7,500 lumens, features 1024×768 resolution and 2.7  shift up/down and 2.2 left/right.

The CP-WX11000J (price: $18,800) boasts WXGA resolution (1,366×800), produces 6,500 lumens and features 3.5 shift up/down and 2.2 left/right.

$20,000 is the price of the CP-SX12000J, the best model of the CP series (pictured above). It produces 7000 Lumens, provides SXGA resolution (1,400×1,050) and features 2.7 shift up/down and 2.2 left/right shift.

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