Crack your iPhone apps, share the iFun

Crackulous is a homebrew iPhone app for jailbroken iPhones and Touches and can crack and share paid applications. It’s available from the Hackulous Cydia Repository (add to Cydia in sources.

The program basically strips copy protection which, in a way, is not very nice to the good folks to actually make these things. $1.99 isn’t much to pay for an app you like, so think before you click, kiddies.

We at Hackulous have decided to open up the beta version of Crackulous for the entire community. If you haven’t already heard about Crackulous, it’s an amazing application dedicated to the iPhone community to cracking apps. Crackulous was first started by SaladFork, and now the application is being developed by Angel. We’ve decided to release Crackulous v.9 as an Open Beta, so anyone can try it out!


* Full GUI version of xCrack! No Complications!
* Crack Applications from the App Store! Share them with the community!
* The ONLY Application of its kind!
* The most POWERFUL and EASIEST to use application!
* Crack multiple apps at one time!
* It’s free! Why would we charge?

via TF

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