More numbers show that Apple sold a whole bunch of iPod touches during the holidays

Numbers from two online firms show that iPod touch usage “exploded” on Christmas day. That’s a roundabout way of saying that Apple must have sold a ton of the things during the holidays.

The two firms, Net Applications and AdMob, track things like online ad hits and general Web usage. No, they’re not the most accurate ways of measuring usage, but they’re all we’ve got for now; wait till Apple’s next quarterly report for concrete numbers.

Basically, once Christmas day hit, these two companies saw iPod touch use increase “like whoa.” From November to December alone ad requests went up by 3.4 times. Extending the time frame to July (before the new iPod touch debuted) is even more impressive: ad requests went up by 16 times, from 18 million to 292 million. Couple that with Apple’s own App Store numbers, why don’t ya?

So there: a lot more of you are listening to DRM-free music—one way or another—on the iPod touch. Also, Manchester United stinks.

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