Samsung NC20 netbook leaked: 12.1-inch screen, big keyboard, and – gasp! – a VIA processor?

Word on the (Italian) street is that Samsung will be releasing the NC20 netbook sometime around February. It’ll be a netbook like the NC10 except it’ll have a nice, big 12.1-inch screen and it’ll swap out the Intel Atom processor for the new VIA nano CPU.

When I spoke with VIA reps at the Embedded Systems Conference here in Boston recently, they alluded to the fact that we’d be seeing plenty of netbooks coming out next year with their new processors. In case you hadn’t noticed, Samsung is a relatively large company, so throwing its weight behind VIA’s CPU for the next version of its already-popular netbook series is saying something.

Other features of the NC20 look to be fairly straightforward: 160GB hard drive, 1GB of RAM, 1.3-megapixel web cam, and a 3.3-pound weight.

It’ll apparently retail for just under $650. The machine itself looks like a sexy slab of digital flatbread, if you ask me. Might be worth a closer look when we get more details.

[Notebook Italia via Engadget]

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