What.cd Volume 2: Showing the recording industry how to promote music in the BitTorrent era

What.cd continues to show the decrepit recording industry how to promote music in the BitTorrent era. The site just released The What CD Volume 2, a compilation album of some of the artists that are featured there. (Bands, song writers, and so forth are encouraged to submit their material to the site—they’re added to a special subsection called the Vanity House, which is promoted differently than otherwise commercially released music.) It’s a 20-song album, and comes in at just around 1.4 hours long. A quick first listen while doing a million other things suggests that it’s a better album than the first volume, which was released during the summer.

To those of you on the site, make sure you grab it. The rest of you, well, make friends with someone on the site ;-)

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