Thank You TechCrunch Sponsors

Two exciting conferences are on the horizon. LeWeb, in Paris, December 9th and 10th, is offering TechCrunch readers a 20% discount while O’Reilly Media is presenting iPhone Live, November 18th in San Jose. Thank You LeWeb and O’Reilly.

Sponsors enable TechCrunch to provide you the news and analysis that you have to expect, and so we want to thank them.

Conduit, the makers of the Crunchbar, and other toolbars

Seesmic the video micro-blogging service that powers video commenting on TechCrunch

MediaTemple TechCrunch’s exclusive hosting provider,
and a worldwide leader in managed hosting solutions across all major platforms

Perflect the makers of PSD2HTML and other solutions to turn design documents into W3C compliant XHTML

RackSpace a provider of managed hosting solutions

eBuddy a webware meta instant messaging client

ServePath the maker of GoGrid, and other cloudware products

Code42 the makers of CrashPlanPro, an automatic backup solution

SocialText the creator of wiki-oriented webware for the enterprise space

3Tera a cloud computing provider

Davison a product design and engineering firm

TechCrunch also is happy to announce two new sponsorship opportunities. First, CrunchGear is publishing a Holiday Gear Guide, which is the perfect way for your company to reach people as they research their purchases this holiday season. Second, we are now offering a full banner (468×60) on TechCrunch’s RSS feed, which has over 1.2 million subscribers. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please e-mail Dan Kimerling

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