Totilo gropes the PS3 keypad, reveals nothing

Stephen Totilo of MTV Multiplayer fame had himself a fancy hands-on session with the PS3 keypad today and this is what he had to say about it.

I pretend-typed some messages using the device, but I did not have time to input anything into the PS3. Like the 360 keypad, the PS3 add-on is designed to ease console user’s efforts to input messages and passwords. The add-on was light, adding no significant weight to the PS3 controller.

Yeah, nothing of importance. Instead he posted a bunch of pictures comparing his tiny Italian hands (he’s 5’6″) with Jack Buser (he’s over 6′), lead developer of Home service. Nice job, Stephen. Very informative. The first two images are Totilo’s hands and the last two are Buser’s.

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